[[[ [[[PRE-ORDER]]] Your Next OpenRoad `Vehicle˜]]]

Build to order. Customize your car.

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Secure your next `vehicle˜ by pre-ordering from ~OpenRoad˜. New vehicle inventories have been significantly impacted by global supply chain disruptions and shipment delays. Pre-order your `vehicle˜ with ~OpenRoad˜ now to ensure you get access to a vehicle when you need it, exactly the way you want it.

[CTA cta_brand] Read More >


<h2 style="padding:40px 20px 20px;margin:0;text-align:center;">Discover All the Reasons to Pre-Order Your <span class="var-brand">Vehicle</span></h2>
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Benefits of Pre-Ordering Your Next `Vehicle˜

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Customize your car rather than select from limited inventory


Pay only for the features and options you need and want


Reduced wait times by being in line with a pre-order


No need to shop multiple locations to find the car you want

[CTA3] Start the Process Today

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Why Pre-Order From ~OpenRoad˜

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We can source more units as one of the top `automobile˜ retailers in Canada.

[CTA2] See Your Options

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Every ~OpenRoad˜ customer receives the complimentary benefits of Club OpenRoad, our very own loyalty rewards program.

[CTA2] More About Club OpenRoad


Some brands may see vehicle wait times over 12 months. We have other mobility options, such as our in-house pre-owned leasing solution, to keep you on the road while you wait.

[CTA2] Check Out OpenRoad Leasing

5 Easy Steps to Pre-Order Your `Vehicle.`

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  1. [[[[VISIT]]]]
    Visit ~your OpenRoad location of choice˜ in-person, or view our inventory online to see if we have the exact vehicle you want in stock.

  2. [[[[REVIEW]]]]
    Don’t see the vehicle you want? Contact one of our Product Advisors to review your lifestyle needs and budget.

  3. [[[[SELECT]]]]
    Based on your requirements, our team can provide you with model and trim package recommendations.

  4. [[[[RESERVE]]]]
    Once you have decided on the vehicle options, we enter your pre-order into our manufacturer portal with a small deposit* to complete the reservation.

  5. [[[[RELAX]]]]
    Our team provides you with regular updates as your vehicle moves through production. Sit back and relax, knowing your vehicle is secured and on its way.

[CTA] Get Started

[[((*If you decide to cancel your pre-order after it has been submitted, your deposit ¨may or may not be refundable˜. Please talk to one of our Product Advisors for details.))]]


Watch the Film

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[YOUTUBE] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ_UVwmEaxA



Your New `Vehicle˜ is Waiting

((Get started today to build your next `vehicle˜, exactly as you want it.))

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